Speakers > Ass. Prof. Susanna Geidne

Susanna Geidne Susanna Geidne is a Senior Lecturer in Sport Science and an Associate professor in Public Health with focus on Health promotion at the Division of Sport Science at Örebro University. She focuses on practice-based health promotion research with sports (in a broad sense) as an arena. This includes methodologically diverse research related to settings-based health promotion. She has done research within health promoting sports clubs (HPSC) based on different starting points, levels and target groups since around 2010. The research is often conducted in cooperation with public health, NGO:s, schools, sports federations and sports clubs. She is co-leading the international HPSC-network (organized under WHO HEPA Europe). She is member of the steering group in the Swedish research school SMOVE (Sustainable Movement Education) as well as supervisor for PhD-student s in this project. She is part of the research team ReSHaPE (Research in Sport, Health and Physical Education) at Örebro University.

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