Speakers > Prof. Anne Vuillemin

Anne Vuillemin Anne Vuillemin received her degrees in sport sciences (PhD) and epidemiology and public health (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches - Accreditation to Supervise Research). She is currently Full Professor at Université Côte d’Azur, member of the Human Motricity Expertise Sport Health Laboratory (LAMHESS). Her research interests are focusing on health promotion through physical activity and promotion of health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA), which leads to two interdependent thematic orientations: 1) environmental, social and organizational conditions for the territorial development of HEPA and 2) health promotion in sport organizations. In this context, particular attention is paid to the measurement of physical activity and sedentary behaviour, to the effectiveness and conditions for effectiveness of intervention programmes, and to physical activity policies (international, national and local) and their implementation, using a whole-system approach. She participated in collective expertise and working groups on HEPA for French health organizations and Ministries. Since 2020, she was associated partner in 3 Erasmus+ Sport projects: EUMOVE - Let's move Europa : School-based promotion of healthy lifestyles to prevent obesity (2020-2023) ; VANGUARD - Virtual Advice, Nurturing, Guidance on Universal Action, Research and Development for physical activity and sport engagement (2019-2023) ; LoGoPAS - Assess, promote and support the involvement of local governments in physical act (2019-2022).

Anne Vuillemin was a member of the steering committee of the HEPA Europe network (WHO/Europe) from 2012 to 2023, and organized the HEPA Europe Conference 2022 in Nice, France. She is also President of the French Society of Public Health, which will host the 2024 ISPAH conference in Paris, France.

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