Travel information

Coming to Nancy

The closest airport is Luxembourg Airport:

Great connections from Paris (1h40 minutes) and other European cities is also available by train:

You can find more information on this website:


Nancy Travel practicalities

If you want to walk or cycle:

Walking – Nancy is a city that can be explored on foot. The TGV train station is located one minute from Prouvé Centre. When exploring the city, hotels, shops and restaurants are all within a 15-minute walk. Enjoy a sense of well-being in a city on a human scale!

Cycling – With a cycling network covering 175 km, Greater Nancy gives pride of place to cycling. VélOstan’lib offers self-service bicycles at 29 points across the city, and VélOstan’boutic offers bike rentals from eight rental points across the greater urban area.
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Bus riding - If you want to move around the city, different buses can bring you in any part.

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